Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Birthday Weekend

Original plans to go to Nagano with a couple of friends ended in the dumps when the bus company we were going to travel with canceled all their buses up north due to the quake (also the earthquake that hit Nagano in the morning). I spent my bday morning looking up any replacement places we can hit - we ended up going back to our favorite spot - Wing Hills Shirotori.

Before that Maya and I spent the night eating and drinking in Gifu!

Typical salaryman passing out after a long days work. The night went well except when a couple of drunk gaijins (foreigners) came in and made a fool of themselves. Verbal insults traded and we left. Our happy state did attract a group of Japanese friends who shared our joy - then parted ways and danced our way home!

Early the next morning we hoped on a train and headed for Wing Hills. This is our first time going there my public transport so of we wet with our luggage. And no we did not plan to have matching matching luggage.

Waited one hr for the bus to come in the sleepy town only to find out that the buses don't run on the weekend! Had to fork out toooooo much money and cab it to the fields.

Finally manage to hit the slopes. So many cute guys to perve on!!! We stayed the the resort and hit the onsen at night (amazing!!!) even though both Maya and I were super embarrassed the onsen staff was friendly and so damn nice!

We made friends with the owner of the local takoyaki stand!!! Super yum and on the second day when they found out we had to wait 2 hours for the bus to come, they offered to drive us to the station! Super nice!

Need to hit this place more before the seasons end!

Here is a pic of the lovely card Maya made for me!!

Awesome-O weekend!


  1. Happy Birthday! Sounds fun. Onsen after skiing is the best!!

  2. Thank you!! Ur so sweet!
    Snow and onsen is a match made in heaven!
